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30 Years of Presence in Portugal

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Together, we celebrate not only 30 years of success, but also a promising future full of exciting opportunities.
March 15th marks a truly special moment for our group, as we celebrate our thirtieth anniversary since we made our first hire in March 1994. It was at that moment that Paulo Pinto joined us, thus marking our physical presence in the national market over the last three decades.
Throughout this 30-year journey, Paulo Pinto has been an essential figure in our company, demonstrating tireless commitment, ingenuity and exemplary dedication. His passion for excellence and customer service was instrumental in shaping our company's identity and making us who we are today. Thanks!
We would like to extend our thanks to all team members who, with their hard work, talent and dedication, contributed to the growth and continued success of CDM Stravitec Unipessoal Ltd.
Celebrating this important milestone, we can't help but thank you! Thank you to all our customers for trusting us over these 30 years. Without your continued support and loyalty, we would not be where we are today. It is an honor to serve you!
Together, we celebrate not only 30 years of success, but also a promising future full of exciting opportunities. We are excited to continue to grow and evolve alongside you.