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Villa Eclair
Stravibase SEB
Stravibase Spring
Stravibase VHS

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Bouygues Immobilier turned to CDM Stravitec to ensure that no vibrations or noise pollution from the nearby railway tracks could reach their latest development project in Choisy-le-Roi. A combination of Stravibase Spring bearings, Stravibase SEB and Stravibase VHS elastomer bearings were used to isolate the buildings.
We had to use all our know-how to tackle the challenge that Bouygues Immobilier had set out for us, namely ensuring that the six residental buildings located near the RER C train tracks don’t feel the vibrations.
Beyond the number of buildings the real challenge was to meet the different vibration isolation objectives:
- On the one hand, offer a solution with a cutoff frequency of 4 Hz: 13,000 tons for 2 buildings supported by Stravibase Spring bearings.
- For the other 4 buildings, cutoff vibration at 10 Hz: 15,000 tons supported by Stravibase VHS and Stravibase SEB elastomer bearings.