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Stravibase: Innovative Solutions for Building Base Isolation
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Buildings located near railways, metro lines, and major traffic arteries are often faced with the challenge of excessive ground-borne vibrations. These vibrations can result in elevated noise levels inside the building, which may exceed national accepted limits, causing discomfort to the occupants and reducing the value of the property. To address this issue, a Building Base Isolation (BBI) strategy can be used to decouple the building from its surroundings and mitigate the vibrations by minimizing the transmission of structure-borne vibrations and the associated noise.
An Evolving Built Environment
The construction sector is constantly evolving, and the need for comfortable spaces with optimal acoustics has become a fundamental requirement rather than a luxury. The COVID era has further emphasized the importance of healthy and sustainable living environments, and governments around the world are pushing for sustainable building practices to improve wellbeing of occupants while achieving climate goals.
CDM Stravitec understands the evolving needs of the different stakeholders and strives to provide comprehensive solutions that cover the entire value chain, from design and engineering to manufacturing, supply-chain management, and onsite assembly/supervision.
We as a company, recognize the responsibility we bear in creating a more sustainable future and commit to the environment by providing durable fit for purpose solutions and integrating long term strategies to the Building Base Isolation which will allow for replaceability of the vibration isolation if needed during the life cycle of the building.
CDM Stravitec, a leading provider of vibration isolation solutions, offers a wide range of solutions dedicated to the Building Base Isolation called Stravibase. For each project, CDM Stravitec engineers will propose fit for purpose bearing assemblies that integrate Stravibase solutions to meet both the specified acoustic and structural requirements.
Learn more about our range of Stravibase systems and the long term vision proposed by CDM Stravitec in our newest brochure!