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Penn State University Acoustics Lab

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Penn State University's Acoustics Lab stands as a cutting edge research facility committed to the exploration of sound and its many applications. The lab's investigations are conducted within its specially designed anechoic and reverberation chambers, which were meticulously crafted during this project.
A notable highlight of this facility is its innovative floating floor, meticulously engineered to shield the lab from external vibrations and mitigate unwanted noise disruptions. This critical component is indispensable for the execution of remarkably precise and sensitive experiments in the realm of acoustics, as it effectively thwarts the influence of external vibrations - be they from foot traffic or nearby machinery.
The use of Stravifloor Mount, equipped with elastomeric pads, ensures the isolation of the acoustics lab, wind tunnel, and the reverberation chamber from the broader building environment. Furthermore, a custom tailored Stravifloor Channel system, incorporating springs, has been meticulously engineered to attain peak performance within the lab's anechoic chamber, allowing for the highest level of precision in research and experimentation.