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Cambridge Novotel

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A new 217 bedroom 4-star Novotel hotel has been built right next to Cambridge North Station.
The 6-storey building includes a bar and restaurant, as well as a gym, swimming pool, conference facilities and 160 m² of retail space. The new hotel development is the opening scheme to the wider Cambridge North mixed-use regeneration masterplan by Brookgate.
The railway line is only a couple of feet away from the building and the acoustic consultant specified that the building need to be isolated on 7Hz elastomer bearings to protect the hotel rooms from structure-borne noise.
7Hz Stravibase SEB bearings were used to support the cores below ground floor level and at the top of every ground floor column.
CDM Stravitec designed, manufactured and installed failsafes, steel plates and tension details to cope with disproportionate collapse and also shear keys to restrict movement in the stability cores.