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Introducing: Stravifloor Jackup-R

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Redesigning an already great solution
As part of our broader rebranding process and with performance and user-friendliness in mind, we redesigned our Stravifloor Jackup concrete floating floor system. Your feedback in combination with our experience installing jack-up floor systems has thought us a great deal and led us to improve our offering, not only changing the way the system looks, but also how it performs and can be installed. By opting for robot welding, we improved the weld quality of the steel boxes, improving overall esthetics, as well as reducing production time. Tube laser cutting technology allows us to create sharper tolerances.
To make installation as straightforward as possible, customers will receive preassembled frames with the lids properly sealed using a branded sticker. After the boxes have been installed and the concrete has been poured, one simply has to remove the sticker and unscrew the lid to open the box.
Replaceable & Inspectable
Stravifloor Jackup-R systems make use of cast housing element that can be opened after installation, allowing the customer to inspect, adjust, and replace the spring or elastomeric isolators in case the load conditions would change.
Like the rest of the box, the removeable top lid comes in an unobtrusive light grey color embossed with the CDM Stravitec insignia, making it easy to incorporate in any final floor design. Because of the neutral color, the box lid doesn’t need to be covered and can’t be mistakenly associated to certain types of technical services.
High Load Capacity
Stravifloor Jackup-R steel boxes have an extremely high load capacity [up to 63kN (14 163lb) per box], allowing for larger spans and fewer support points than traditional jack-up systems. Allowing spans bigger than 2 m (6.5-ft), Stravifloor Jackup-R is the market leader in this respect. A greater distance between the boxes means fewer support points are needed, which in turn reduces the time to install and jack up the floor by up to 55%. These savings in both material and labor cost make CDM Stravitec jack-up systems very affordable, even for projects on a tight budget.
Improved Sound Stop
Stravifloor Jackup-R is compatible with either spring or elastomeric isolators. To allow perfect positioning of the type of bearing selected, our jack-up boxes come with two types of bottom plates, one designed to fit every possible type, number, and combination of standard springs and one for elastomeric pads. Our bottom plates have a threefold function. Made of EPDM rubber, the natural friction of the bottom plate keeps the box in the right place during installation. Moreover, the flexible bottom plate also acts as a sound stop, dealing with the coil resonance frequency of the springs, which is higher than their natural frequency. Finally, the indentation or ridges of the EPDM rubber positioner create a tight seal, preventing any concrete from seeping in.