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Discover Our New Platform: Stravi-dB

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Welcome to Stravi-dB, our brand-new online test data platform!
Stravi-dB is a free online library that lets you easily find the acoustical test data you're looking for.
The platform’s name refers both to ‘decibels’ and ‘database,’ indicating what the platform is, an online library containing the official acoustical test reports of CDM Stravitec solutions that have been tested in labs over the years.
The straightforward user interface allows you to quickly filter reports and test data, and compare different system build-ups and their performance. Test data can be filtered based on the desired total build-up height of the floating floor, the type of floating floor setup, and the acoustical results allowing for greater detail control over your search.
Filtered data can be viewed side-by-side, along with automatically generated graphs and visual aids, making it easy to evaluate multiple systems. In addition, Stravi-dB provides not only test data and reports, but also editable CSV files for consultants to create their own predictions.
Save time and register today. Once signed up, you'll be able to access test reports for many different Stravifloor and Stravigym floating floor assemblies.