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UGC Ciné Cité Bordeaux

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Known for its rich maritime history, the 160 hectares Bassins à Flot site north of Bordeaux, is part of a large redevelopment project. The cosmopolitan area on the banks of the river Garonne has been undergoing a spectacular transformation the last couple of years, with at its pinnacle the majestic ‘La Cité du Vin’ museum, shaped like a wine decanter.
It is in this diverse neighbourhood, with its residential areas and economic and leisure activities, that a new 4,700 m² UGC movie theater is being built. UGC Ciné Cité Bordeaux is the chain’s third cinema complex in the French city. The light and airy building has over 13 screens and about 2,400 seats.
Falling back on over 70 years of acoustic isolation of all types of buildings worldwide, CDM Stravitec proposed the installation of a Stravifloor Prefab acoustic floating floor to constrain vibration within the UGC Ciné Cité movie theater.
The pre-manufactured modular floating floor solution with discrete isolators for minimal contact and 18 mm thick lost formwork, supports a 10 cm reinforced concrete slab.
These Stravifloor Prefab systems acoustically isolate the rooms from the supporting structure, preventing unwanted vibrations from travelling throughout the rest of the building and creating a noise problem in the adjoining spaces.