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De Vier Gravinnen

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‘De Vier Gravinnen’ is an assisted living facility in Tiel, where independent living and health care are integrated. In the living area in the Pisa building there is a passenger elevator located close to a number of living and sleeping areas. A number of residents have complained about noise nuisance from the elevator.
The acoustic consultant was commissioned by the housing corporation to carry out sound measurements and to test these against the Buildings Decree. It appeared that this just complied with the Building Decree, but that does not mean that there can be no nuisance because the lift was still clearly audible.
A good solution for the noise nuisance is to acoustically disconnect the lift from the shaft using the Stravimech ElevatorFix system. CDM Stravitec has worked out a design for this system that is in line with the structural principles of the elevator manufacturer. The lift brackets are disconnected by way of natural rubber based wall brackets and an elastic ring around the bolt in the hole of the bracket. The lift motor is also equipped with a better acoustic decoupling.
After the installation of these vibration reducing measures, the acoustic consultant again performed sound measurements. The conclusion: a reduction in lift noise of at least 8 dB. This completely eliminates the noise nuisance. The movement of the lift was no longer audible. Due to its success, the lift in the Isolde building of the same residential care complex was also renovated. Here, too, the lift and the lift motor were disconnected by means of the Stravimech ElevatorFix system to reduce noise pollution.