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Stravilink RHD

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Main Benefits


  • Cost-effective

  • Quick and easy to install

  • Can be designed to provide head restraint for any type of wall construction

  • Can be designed not to compromise the natural frequency of the isolation strip supporting the base of the wall

  • Can be used in combination with floating floors, wall isolation and isolated ceilings to create box-in-box constructions

  • Steel parts are hot dip galvanized

  • Holes that are at least twice the diameter of the fixings used to fix the top stud are required to allow the fixings to be installed without touching the stud and bridging the isolation


Design Requirements


  • Type of wall, i.e. plasterboard or blockwork

  • Width of the wall

  • If the top track of a plasterboard wall is fixed into the construction the spacing and diameter of the fixings


*Previously known as CDM-RHD