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Double Shift

Stravigym GympactLayer
Stravigym HP
Double Shift (interior)
Double Shift
Projects Amsterdam B.V.

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Double Shift is more than a gym, the club prides itself on being a place to hang out and relax after a busy day’s work as well as a place where people can work on their physical health. Double Shift Amsterdam houses a gym, sauna and cafe/lounge area.

Double Shift is located in what used to be an old sugar factory. The wood-beamed ceiling and other elements contribute to the industrial vibe.

Double Shift is decked out with the latest Technogym equipment for weight training and cardio.

To prevent structure-borne vibrations from creating a noise problem in the surrounding spaces the new gym needed to be acoustically isolated.

A Stravigym HP system with dBooster® technology and Stravigym GympactLayer-45 was installed on the free weight zone to prevent the propagation of vibrations and impact noise generated by falling weights.

Double Shift has a free weight zone where gym-goers can work out using many different weights. To

make full use of this space without dropping weight causing nuisance to the neighbours, a Stravigym HP floating floor with Stravigym GympactLayer-45 has been installed, mitigating vibrations and impact noise of falling weights on the floor, which can reverberate strongly in the building.

In order to determine exactly what is achievable in terms of acoustics, we performed an in situ test that

helped to determinate the most suitable solution.

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