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Mass timber construction is a method of construction adopted to decarbonize construction, increase the speed of build, and reduce waste – all whilst providing architecturally beautiful buildings. The structural and architectural design of mass timber must be balanced against the inherent limitations it has in mass, and the acoustic design must consider the aesthetic, fire and load requirements. This balance of disciplines is unique to mass timber, and only achieved through good communication between design teams, contractors and suppliers. Our approach to support timber construction is holistic and considers all engineering disciplines, providing robust solutions that deliver performance.

Mass timber is a collective term for large and solid wood structural panels used in construction. The most common types of mass timber include cross-laminated timber (CLT), dowel-laminated timber (DLT), nail-laminated timber (NLT), and glue-laminated timber (glulam). Given the significant growth of CLT, this page and the solutions presented will focus on and illustrate constructions using this technique. However, this does not mean they cannot also be applied to the other techniques mentioned.

CDM Stravitec provides a range of solutions for acoustically isolating timber constructions, including CLT and its various construction techniques such as post-and-beam, panel construction, and modular construction. These solutions include resilient ceiling hangers, wall strips, floating floor systems, and brackets for connecting walls, floors, or different CLT 3D prefabricated modules.


Acoustic Solutions for CLT:

Multiple Solutions Timber Construction

Case Studies