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Saint Ouen - MSO

Stravibase SEB
Stravibase VHS
Saint Ouen - MSO
Eiffage Immobilier

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The RECIPROQUE MSO Saint-Ouen is a project featuring real estate complex of 125 appartments divided into two buildings located at the corner of Boulevard Jean Jaurès and Rue Albert Dhalenne near the Saint-Ouen town hall.

The buildings are built near the existing station of the M13 metro line (Mairie de Saint-Ouen) and above the new station of the M14 metro line which is being built as part of the extension of the line.
Building A is developed over ten levels and Building B is developed over eight.

A noise and vibration analysis highlighted the need to isolate the two buildings to limit the discomfort associated to the vibrations generated by the nearby metro.

In this sense and to prevent structure-borne noise, anti-vibration pads of the Stravibase VHS and Stravibase SEB type have been integrated into the structure.
Pads which had to demonstrate a natural frequency ≤ 10 Hz.

The decoupling of the buildings was carried out at the top of the columns and walls of mainly the ground floor level but also included other isolations at different levels to ensure a proper decoupling from other existing structures.

CDM Stravitec conducted a specific design study on the sizing, number, and location of the anti-vibration solutions.