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Address Residence Sky View

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Designed by the architects of Burj Khalifa, The Address Residence Sky View twin-towers in Dubai are two luxurious skyscrapers that feature 166 hotel rooms and 531 apartments, connected by a three-level Sky Bridge.
The project consists of two large swimming pools, located at podium level and the Sky Bridge that spans between the two buildings, offering a panoramic view of Downtown Dubai.
The concern from the acoustic consultant was potential of structure borne noise due to activities in and around the pools causing noise nuisance within the apartments and the hotel rooms.
In conjunction with the acoustic consultant, CDM Stravitec designed a solution that will isolate any unwanted structure borne noise from contaminating the residential rooms by means of a Stravifloor Mat solution based on a continuous resilient support to achieve natural frequency of 15 Hz. Special attention was paid to the infinity pool. To avoid the transmission of unwanted noise through the acrylic wall of the Sky Pool, discrete resilient pads were installed.