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Anytime Fitness Venlo

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At Anytime Fitness, being able to exercise 24 hours a day and all year round without restrictions is central. The franchise formula has more than 5,000 workout locations worldwide.
While other gyms are increasingly focusing on digitalization and removing staff from the floor, Anytime Fitness focuses on more personal attention, more guidance, a more positive atmosphere and a better experience.
Waarmakers project management and Delta-L have joined forces for this project.
“On to more”, says satisfied Joop Strijbosch, coordinator at Waarmakers. Franchisee Roenee Hanssen is also very satisfied with the result: “We have no more complaints”.
One of the challenges in the 'free weight zone' was preventing noise pollution for the upstairs neighbors caused by weights being dropped. These activities can cause significant vibrations and structural noise, which can travel through the building and cause a nuisance to the (upstairs) neighbors.
To address this problem, a Stravigym XP with GympactLayer-45 and dBooster® was installed.
This system's special construction uses natural rubber pads as resilient support, which allows it to provide sufficient insulation even at low frequencies.
The system's lightweight and fast installation time make it ideal for existing clubs, where a heavy floating concrete floor is often no longer possible.
CDM Stravitec designed the solution in collaboration with our local partner, Delta-L. Delta-L supplied and installed this floor system.