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Jókai Mór Reformed School

Stravibase Spring
Jókai Mór Reformed School
Hungarian Reformed Church, Nyíregyháza
Épadker Kft.
TISZA Architects
Zsolt MÉRY (Pro-Stat Kft.)
Attila NAGY (Reziduum Kft.)
ATTILA VARGA Architectural Photographer

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Jókai Mór Reformed School in Nyíregyháza was named after Móric Jókay de Ásva, one of Hungary’s most well-known novelists and revolutionaries, a man who even in his own time has often been compared to his British contemporary Dickens.

Over two years ago, in early 2020, CDM Stravitec was contacted by the acoustical consultant working on soundproofing the school’s new gymnasium. The possibility of noise and vibration isolation for the complete building structure was discussed as the gym was located directly above the classrooms.

After an analysis of the project, Stravibase VHS and Stravibase Spring bearings were proposed to decouple the gymnasium from the rest of the school building. However, in the end it was decided to go exclusively for 3.5 Hz spring isolators to reach the highest possible insulation performance.

88 Stravibase Spring isolators were installed on a newly constructed reinforced concrete slab. During the construction and installation phase, a 200 mm thick lost formwork was used between the spring units that could cope with the load of the liquid concrete and that could be removed after the concrete cured.

Familiar with the Egcovoid® void former panels, we proposed a solution using these panels in combination with other layers to cope with the challenge.

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