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Music Wharf Church

Stravifloor Deck
Nico de Bont
Powerhouse Company

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The post-war Mennonite church in Rotterdam (1951) is transformed into the Music Wharf.
The church is being converted into the Netherlands' first permanent practice and concert location, specifically intended for children and young people.

The Muziekwerf will be a hotspot in the center of Rotterdam for making music where young musicians can rehearse and perform.

Delta-L installed the Stravifloor Deck on the first floor.
The Stravifloor Deck is a floating floor system that offers high acoustic performance. The system consists of metal stud floor rails in which natural rubber supports from CDM Stravitec are clamped, on top of which is a steel plate with high bending stiffness. The system can be used with a small concrete thickness, which limits the installation height. This makes the system very suitable for applications in parking garages, supermarkets and department stores, as well as renovation projects where the existing structure can carry limited loads.

Delta-L can take care of the complete design, delivery and installation. As a result, the school is not only modern and renovated, but also acoustically optimized to guarantee a better learning and working environment for students and staf

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